Let’s See What the Special Offers Are At Labours Favourite Watering Hole ‘The Politics of Envy’ If they are Elected on Thursday

Let’s See What the Special Offers Are At Labours Favourite Watering Hole ‘The Politics of Envy’ If they are Elected on Thursday

· The Tax Free band on Inheritance Tax will go

· Employers National Insurance will rise

· Corporation Tax will rise

· Mortgage Interest on Buy-to-Lets will not be allowable

· The Tax allowance on Private Pensions will all but disappear

· The 50% draconian Tax Rate will kick in at £100,000

· Mansion Tax will be at least 1% over £2million

· Fuel Duty will rise to the previous levels taking up any discount in the fuel price drop

· The Non-Dom tax facility will be abolished

When all of these are implemented there will be a net loss to the Revenue, wealth creators will ‘run for the hills’, the recovery will be under threat and Great Britain will be a poorer place.

Would the Great British Electorate ‘wake up and smell the coffee’? We are about to be invaded by ‘goons and buffoons’ posing as electable politicians bent on serving the ‘working man.’

What about the vital middle class and owners of industry? Who is going to invest in this country, create jobs and opportunities if this sector leaves?

Do we really need a socialist government like this who are so hungry for office and who tried to break Britain the last time, would we really allow them in again and what price would we pay for it?

I am terrified and so should you all be.