The Not-So-Dumb-Blond

Gentlemen (and gentlewomen, plus everything else in between), let’s raise a glass and say a collective “Hallelujah” for the spectacular election result orchestrated by Captain Boris.

Today will go down in history as a political earthquake. The Boris victory (with grateful thanks to Dominic Cummings) is a seismic event that should ensure there will be a moderate, caring, stable, Tory government for not just one, but possibly two electoral terms. Continue reading

The post-election residential property market – is it safe as houses or should you run for sunnier climes?

As a nation we are going through changing times, with the various political parties spewing out their pre-electoral rhetoric, like the drunkard that everyone tries to avoid. In their desperate thirst for power, the three main parties have resorted to the last refuge of the scoundrel; that is, profligate spending that appeals to a short-sighted, public-sector mentality, venal, low-IQ voter base that refuses to think beyond the next government hand-out.

Worzel Gummidge, the leader of the Labour Party and his Caledonian gimp McDonnell are threatening to inflict their Communist intentions upon us, which will transform this country into that heaven of economic rectitude, Venezuela. What they don’t break they steal, emulating their hero and mentor, the late banana-flavoured dictator Hugo Chavez.

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The Housing Ministry Trial Reservation Experiment – Getting Our Houses In Order

Moving house is ranked as stressful as death and divorce. No surprise then that the twin evils of gazumping and gazundering send buyers’ and sellers’ blood pressure through the roof, whilst mugging their bank accounts. Therefore, anything that can ameliorate this pain, must be encouraged.

The government’s plan (assuming they will still be in power) is to introduce ‘reservation agreements’ between January to March 2020. Buyers and sellers alike would be committed to putting down £500 to £1000 before entering the offer process. Continue reading