Will The Trump Presidency Be Good For UK Residential Property Prices?

It is evidently difficult to reconcile, or even justify, Donald Trump’s incendiary comments, puerile diction, mindless misogyny, homophobic remarks, bombastic and repugnant demeanour. However, whether you like him or not, his proposed policies of smaller government, less regulation, lower taxation, greater infrastructure spending, strategic and military pragmatism, are all laudable aspirations if, of course, you have a conservative bent. Continue reading

Third Runway At Heathrow Finally Confirmed…..What Has Taken Us so Long To Reach This Predictable Conclusion?

Successive governments have been ‘toying’ with the prospect of an extended Heathrow for twenty odd years or more and, finally, Mrs. May has had the ‘balls’ to ‘bite the bullet’ on this vexed and fraught subject, ignoring all the self interested groups and MPs ‘howls’ of protest along the way.

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