Chancellor Has Imposed CGT On Foreign Individuals Buying In UK

The much-predicted imposition of Capital Gains Tax on foreign individuals buying in the UK has just been announced by the Chancellor in his latest Autumn Statement.  Ordinarily this tax could make sense. However, it is the third tax imposed on the property sector when you add the Stamp Duty and Maintenance Tax changes of the Budget of 2012 where the rate was increased by 300% from 5-15% for corporate bodies and an annual Maintenance Tax of up to £150,000 also applied. Continue reading

Is Margaret Thatcher a Tax Dodger?

Before anyone goes on a tirade about Margaret Thatcher buying a property in London via an offshore vehicle fuelled, dare I say, by a good measure of politics of envy let me give you some home truths.

Purchasing a property through an offshore vehicle does not in anyway escape death duties since any UK individual has to pay these no matter what or where the asset is in the world. Continue reading