How to Dramatically Prevent Cycle Deaths On The Roads

The rapid increase in cycle usage is a wonderful thing and, frankly, it should be encouraged since there cannot be a greener, efficient and healthier means of transport and fitness regime.

We all notice in other countries such as India, The Orient, Holland etc that cycling is a way of life for many and provides the only realistic method that is affordable to travel from one place to the other. Continue reading

Anticipated Proposals Concerning Capital Gains Tax on Foreign Individuals Buying In The UK.

The socialists would have us believe that they would like to stop foreign individuals enjoying a Capital Gains Tax free environment in London and, as such, the Lib Dems have pushed the Tories into considering imposing this tax.

The truth is that it will not even raise  £100million that means it will probably not even pay for itself.  The taxpayer will therefore subsidise the cost of raising this tax.  Is this daft or not? Continue reading

Are property transaction costs stifling the market?

Following the tax changes in the budget of 2012 Stamp Duty for properties over £2million has risen by 40% from the previous level of 5% to now 7% (for non corporate bodies and 300% for corporate bodies to 15%).  This means that if you sell a property and buy another (at this price level) you could find that 10% of the available money to spend has gone on expenses (7% Stamp Duty, 2% agents fees and the balance solicitors fees).  The result is that if you sell a property for £2.5million you only have £2.25million of available monies to spend on the next property. Continue reading