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Carmel Gate, 119 Bridge Lane, London, NW11 9JT,  Asking price of £1,000,000 
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Wildwood Road, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Offers in excess of £1,000,000 
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Brim Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb ,  Asking price of £995,000 
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One Kingsley Way, Kingsley Way, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £995,000 
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One Kingsley Way, Kingsley Way, Hampstead Garden Suburb ,  Asking price of £995,000 
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Grafton Court, Finchley Road ,  Asking price of £995,000 
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Temple Fortune Lane, ,  Asking price of £995,000 
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Hill Top, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £975,000 
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Asmuns Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb ,  Asking price of £965,000 
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Blandford Close, Hampstead Garden Suburb ,  Asking price of £950,000 
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Gurney Drive, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Guide Price £950,000 
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West Heath Place, London, NW11,  Asking price of £940,000 
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Corringham Road, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £925,000 
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Deansway, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £895,000 
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One Kingsley Way, Hampstead Garden Suburb ,  Asking price of £895,000 
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Addison Way, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £895,000 
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Grafton Court, NW11,  Prices from £870,000 
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The Lexington, London,  Asking price of £870,000 
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The Lexington, London,  Asking price of £860,000 
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The Lexington, London,  Asking price of £840,000 
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The Lexington, London,  Asking price of £830,000 
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Ossulton Way, Hampstead Garden Suburb ,  Asking price of £825,000 
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Carmel Gate, 119 Bridge Lane, London, NW11 9JT,  Asking price of £800,000 
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Brunner Close, Hampstead Garden Suburb ,  Asking price of £795,000 
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Regal Court, Finchley Road, London, NW11,  Asking price of £795,000 
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Grafton Court, Finchley Road ,  Asking price of £775,000 
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Erskine Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £775,000 
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The Lexington, London,  Asking price of £755,000 
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Hogarth Hill, Hampstead Garden Suuburb ,  Asking price of £699,995 
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Oakwood Road, Hampstead Garden Suburb ,  Asking price of £699,950 
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Erskine Hill, Hampstead Graden Suburb ,  Asking price of £699,950 
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Erskine Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb ,  Asking price of £699,950 
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One Kingsley Way, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £695,000 
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Carmel Gate, 119 Bridge Lane, London, NW11 9JT,  Asking price of £695,000 
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Carmel Gate, 119 Bridge Lane, London, NW11 9JT,  Asking price of £665,000 
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Asmuns Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb ,  Asking price of £629,950 
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Brookland Rise, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £625,000 
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Carmel Gate, 119 Bridge Lane, London, NW11 9JT,  Asking price of £625,000 
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Brookland Rise, Hampstead Garden Suburb ,  Asking price of £575,000 
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Willifield Way, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £565,000 
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Denman Drive North, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £559,995 
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Britten Close, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £550,000 
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Regal Court, Finchley Road, London, NW11,  Asking price of £535,000 
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The Lexington, London,  Asking price of £470,000 
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Asmuns Place, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £325,000 
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Ruskin Close, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £0 
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